
From Self-Doubt to Self-Assured: A Practical Guide to Building Unshakable Confidence

From Self-Doubt to Self-Assured: A Practical Guide to Building Unshakable Confidence

Do you often find yourself doubting your abilities or constantly seeking validation from others? Are you tired of feeling insecure and unsure of yourself? Building self-confidence is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and the right tools. In this practical guide, we will explore the key strategies and techniques that can help you overcome self-doubt and build unshakable confidence. From identifying limiting beliefs to setting achievable goals, we will delve into the steps that you can take to boost your self-esteem and cultivate a positive mindset. Along the way, we will also discuss the importance of self-care, self-compassion, and embracing your unique strengths and talents. Whether you're looking to excel in your career, relationships, or personal growth, this guide will equip you with the skills and mindset needed to become self-assured and confident in all aspects of your life. So, let's dive in and start your journey towards unshakable confidence!

Understanding Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and one's abilities. It is an essential ingredient for success in all areas of life. When you are self-confident, you trust yourself and your decisions, and you are less likely to be affected by the opinions of others. Self-confidence is not something that you are born with; it is something that you develop over time. It is a skill that can be learned and improved upon.

One of the keys to building self-confidence is understanding the role that negative self-talk plays in our lives. Negative self-talk is the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves, and it can be incredibly damaging to our self-esteem. When we engage in negative self-talk, we reinforce our limiting beliefs and create a negative self-image. To overcome negative self-talk, we need to identify our limiting beliefs and challenge them. We can do this by asking ourselves questions like, "Is this belief true?" and "What evidence do I have to support this belief?" By challenging our limiting beliefs, we can start to reframe our thoughts and create a more positive self-image.

Another important aspect of building self-confidence is setting achievable goals. Setting goals can help us to focus our energy and efforts, and it gives us something to work towards. When we achieve our goals, we feel a sense of accomplishment, which can boost our self-confidence. It's essential to set goals that are realistic and attainable. If we set goals that are too high, we may become discouraged and give up. On the other hand, if we set goals that are too low, we may not feel challenged, and our self-confidence may not grow.

The Connection between Mental Health and Confidence

Mental health plays a significant role in our self-confidence. When we are struggling with our mental health, it can be challenging to feel confident in ourselves and our abilities. It's essential to prioritize our mental health and seek help when we need it. There are many resources available, such as therapy, support groups, and self-help books.

One of the most effective ways to improve our mental health is through mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and observing our thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware of our negative thought patterns and learn to let them go. Mindfulness can also help us to manage stress and anxiety, which can be major obstacles to building self-confidence.

Another way to improve our mental health is to focus on building mental strength. Mental strength is the ability to overcome challenges and adversity. It's the resilience and grit that we need to push through difficult times. Building mental strength takes time and effort, but it's a crucial aspect of building self-confidence. We can build mental strength by setting small goals and pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones. By doing this, we can prove to ourselves that we are capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

The Importance of Self-Care and Self-Compassion

Self-care and self-compassion are essential components of building self-confidence. Self-care is the practice of taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health. It's about making time for ourselves and doing things that make us feel good. When we practice self-care, we are sending a message to ourselves that we are worthy of love and attention.

Self-compassion is the practice of treating ourselves with kindness and understanding. It's about recognizing that we are only human and that we will make mistakes. When we practice self-compassion, we are less likely to beat ourselves up over our shortcomings. We can also be more forgiving and understanding of others, which can help build stronger relationships.

One of the best ways to practice self-care and self-compassion is by embracing our unique strengths and talents. We all have something that makes us special, and when we embrace these qualities, we can feel more confident in ourselves. We can also use our strengths to achieve our goals and make a positive impact on the world.


Building self-confidence is not an easy journey, but it is a worthwhile one. By understanding the role of negative self-talk, setting achievable goals, prioritizing our mental health, and practicing self-care and self-compassion, we can build unshakable confidence. It's important to remember that building self-confidence takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. When we are self-confident, we are more likely to achieve our goals, build strong relationships, and live a fulfilling life. So, take the first step on your journey towards self-assurance today!


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

Do Not Let Your Anxieties Overcome Your Self-Confidence

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Do Not Let Your Anxieties Overcome Your Self-Confidence

Some people who struggle with anxiety may sometimes lose their self esteem and self-confidence during the process. As a result, here is a list of techniques a person can use to help manage their anxieties, fears, and self esteem.

Remember that practice makes perfect. Whenever it comes to dealing with your anxieties or any other task; practice, patience, and persistence is the name of the game. If you don’t get the desired results the first time around, then keep trying until you do get the results. Through practice, you will become better at the task at hand and your self-confidence will increase. This also applies to managing your anxieties.

In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to take a walk to help you feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can remind yourself that you got through it the last time by taking a walk. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety the next time around.

Sometimes, we can get anxious over a task that we will have to perform in the near future. When this happens, visualise yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you and your team have to play in the championship volleyball game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that you’re playing in front of a large audience. By playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self-Visualisation is a great way to reduce the fear and stress of a coming situation and increase your self-confidence.

Write down on a list everything that you are thankful for. Do not take anything for granted. The next time you feel down, take out your list and review everything that you have listed. This is a great way to remind us of what we have.

As a Therapist, I realise it can be difficult to manage your anxieties and self-esteem. If you have trouble then contact me I can help you manage your fears, anxieties, and self esteem. I will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. In the meantime, remember to take it one day at a time.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

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Can Comparing Yourself To Others Be Good For You?

The answer to this is a resounding “Yes” if you do this in the right way. What most people tend to do is compare themselves to others as some form of validation for themselves or because of envy or some other negative emotion.

The secret to comparing yourself to others for your benefit is to do it on the premise that you want to improve yourself. You want to achieve a specific goal and another person has already achieved this goal so you can learn from them and then use similar strategies in your own life.

You must have the right Intent

Having the right intent for comparing yourself to another person is critical. What we do not recommend you do is compare yourself to someone else that you know is not as good as you in a specific area so that you can give your ego a boost. Avoid this kind of “self validation”.

You may get a temporary ego boost from a self validation comparison but this can backfire on you very badly. If you don’t know the person that you are comparing to very well then you have no idea what they are capable of. If you challenge them and they end up being better than you at your specialty then this can destroy your self esteem.

Think about why you want to make the comparison. Let’s say that you want to be a successful business manager and there is a manager in your office who always seems to make the right decisions and has the level of confidence that you want to achieve.

You want to find out how they got to their position and how they maintain their confidence. This is specific intent and you are in the right frame of mind to make the comparison. You are not jealous that this person is a manager and you are not. It is all about learning from the person so that you can improve your life.

Consume other relevant information

The person in your office is not the only good business manager out there. Many have written books and some have their own blog. These days it is easier than it ever has been before to get the information that you need.

Once you have decided that you want to be a top notch business manager consume everything that you can about the subject and keep looking for new material. Modeling the business manager you know is a good step forward but you can always do more.

If you are not a fan of reading then go to YouTube and find relevant videos there. You will be sure to find what you are looking for. Also look for forums on your subject and join them and participate. Ask questions and most people will be happy to help.

Be careful of your Self View

You have a view about yourself that you formed over many years. This self view tells you that you things like you are smart, good looking, talented and so on. We all need this self view because it defines how you see the world around you and helps you to figure everything out.

The problem is that if you believe something in your self view and something challenges this then there is conflict. So if you believe that you know a lot about business and someone tells you that you need to learn more about business then this is difficult to take. Relax your self view and take on board any constructive criticisms.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

How to be More Independent Boosting Self Confidence

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How to be More Independent

If you want to be more confident, then you also need to be more independent.

After all, self-confidence is all about having faith in your own ability and your own decisions. If you don’t know how to be alone, or don’t feel you can do things without the help of others, then you won’t have true confidence!

The problem is that many of us struggle to be alone, or to do things for ourselves. Part of this comes down to a sheer lack of practice. If you went straight from living with your parents, to living with a partner, then you may never have truly experienced fending for yourself. And living with friends isn’t necessarily much different.

Likewise, some of us will spend all of our spare time with others, to the point that we don’t have much identity or much purpose when left to our own devices. If you can’t stand the thought of spending an evening alone, then you need a quick boost in independence. So how do you get it?


The first way to be more independent is… to practice!

One of the best ways to do this is to drop yourself in at the deep end as it were. That means packing a bag and heading off on a trip alone for a couple of weeks. The more of an adventure this is, the better. So that might mean backpacking and talking to strangers, or it might meaning travelling somewhere where no-one speaks the language.

It might just surprise you what you’re capable of when left to your own devices!

Another way to practice is just to avoid the temptation to call for help the next time something goes wrong. DIY is a great place to experiment with this. Has the toilet stopped flushing? Do you have a hole in the wall that looks unsightly? Instead of calling for help, bring up YouTube and try to sort it yourself. This is hugely empowering and can do wonders for your esteem, as well as making you far less dependent on others.

Find Your Identity

Simply spending a little time alone is also a good idea. Even if you live with a partner, try too spend time apart just to pursue your own interests.

Finding a hobby is actually one of the most important things you can do to boost your independence, as this way you’ll always have something to entertain your thoughts.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

The Psychology Of Motivation

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Lack of focus kills your motivation

It’s very important to understand if you are trying to achieve anything with your life, that you have it you know. You really do. I know this sounds like a pep talk, but it isn’t. It’s just a statement of fact. All of us are capable of achieving something called “a state of flow.”

You may not label it as such, but you have achieved at least at some point in your life, a mental and emotional state where things come easily. I’m not talking about you just sitting back and thinking that you have an easy life and that you have figured everything out. No, I am not talking about that. This is not something that just happens in your head. This is actually real. How come?

Well, it actually impacts your behaviour. When you achieve a state of flow, you work in such a way that things become quick, easy and effortless. Things just fall into place and it seems like regardless of what you do, when you make a move, things happen. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you were able to do this with almost everything in your life?

Well, I can tell you that habitually successful people trigger a state of flow in almost everything they do. That is why they are able to achieve what they are able to do. For the rest of humanity, people have to struggle with the proper motivations to get that state of flow. In fact, a lot of people are really clueless about this mental and emotional state.

This really is too bad because we all have it in us and the only way to trigger this state is motivation. Motivation enables you to keep doing despite the fact that there are people around you telling you that it cannot be done. Motivation is what you need to keep pushing when it seems that the only thing you are able to achieve is failure, disappointment and heartbreak.

Motivation is crucial to achieving that state of flow. Once you get there, you can trigger a state of momentum where you are able to maintain that state for an extended period time. However, you have to get there first and this means motivation.

The problem is, most people allow the small stuff of life, like deadlines, lots of duties, responsibilities and obligations that seem to pop out of nowhere, to kill their focus. If you don’t have focus, it kills your motivation because you’re basically just scatter brained. You’re basically trying to put Band-Aids on everything trying to prevent some sort of crisis.

That is what you’re doing. You’re not looking at the big things in life. You’re not allowing yourself to be driven forward by your focus in life. You’re not doing any of that. Instead, you’re just trying to focus on the small things. You’re too obsessed about the things right in front of your nose that you lose focus.

You put in all this time, effort and energy only to have very little to show it. You’re basically just living on a day to day basis. If you’re sick and tired of this, click here to figure out how to achieve unstoppable motivation.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

Finding Your Confidence

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Boost Your Self Confidence

Confidence tips that work

It’s a myth that winners don’t require any motivational or confidence tips. They require good self-assurance tips frequently to keep up their motivational level. From the time you get your confidence tips make sure you apply them in order to transform the existing quality of life.

Confidence is necessary to achieve success in life. Some effective confidence tips must be followed if you genuinely want to gain accomplishment in your work. So how do you build your confidence that will work for you in any situation? Initially, make an effort to spend time with confident people.

Their vigor and strength is so stirring that you will surely feel yourself more powerful just by listening to their talk. To build confidence it is vital that you are in the midst of self-assuring people. This will help you derive great confidence from them. All you have to do is ask them for good confidence tips. Secondly, make sure that you find a mentor.

All successful people have mentors in life, those who can efficiently guide you, advise you and also offer some confidence tips. The person can help you considerably and you can taste success more quickly than you ever imagined. Two minds are always better than one. Try to understand that confidence is just a feeling.

Think about all the situations where you have felt confident. Such positive thoughts can make you confident in future. Sit down for a few minutes everyday and analyse the happenings during your day. Imagine all the things that make you feel certain. This can boost your morale and make you even more poise.

List all your reasons to be confident.

Try and list all the qualities that have helped you to be confident today. Include your victories, skills and also mention about your goals. After you have done this you will see how powerful your analysis can be. It will make you feel even more confident. The most important confidence tip can be preparation. Continuous preparation makes you perfect and you attain confidence.

Have you ever watched a sportsman playing effortlessly or stars performing live on stage? How do they give such a flawless performance? Preparation makes you more and more perfect. It is necessary that you keep honing your skills to achieve perfection and this automatically will augment your level of confidence.

Self-comparison is another key to enhance your confidence. Learn to compare your progress in life with respect to your previous results. Look at other successful people and learn not to measure just your success. When you put in more efforts on the daily improvement of your individual skills and capabilities you can grow very rapidly and your confidence will surge.

Confidence without capability is a perilous combination. It is necessary that you only engage in self-comparison when you are assessing your development. By doing this you will make it easier when the going gets rough and your proficiency will grow day-by-day.



Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

Astonishing Power Of Positive Thinking

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What Living In The Moment Really Means And How It Can Contribute To Your Happiness

Living in the moment is easier than done. You could be physically present now, but your mind is elsewhere. It’s gone back to reminisce about the past. Or, it could be daydreaming about what the future holds. That’s not living in the moment.

If you want to live in the moment, you need to make a conscious effort to do so. It’s so easy to let your mind slip away. One minute you’re doing something really important on your computer, and the next you’re jetting off into the sunset, or you’re remembering what the beach felt like underneath your feet.

When something finally jolts you back into reality, maybe your phone rang or someone gave you a nudge, then you realise you’ve lost track of time. Life slipped by unnoticed while you were mentally away. Think about it – how can you be happy if you can’t even recall what happened a few minutes ago?

When we get hung up on the past, or when we’re too excited for the future, we lose the ability to feel happy in the present.

Setting goals for the future is important, but don’t ever underestimate the journey you need to take to get there. Sure, you may think you’ll finally be happy when you achieve your goal, but why wait until you get there? What happens if you don’t get there at all? Then you likely won’t ever be happy. You’ll end up bitter, and you’ll end up an unhappy person.

If you enjoy your journey, and you let yourself live in the present while working towards your goals, then you’ll be much happier.

You can practice mindfulness by observing what’s going on around you. Observe your surroundings right at this very moment. Think about what you see, hear, touch, smell, or feel. Use all your senses to truly live in the moment.

Once that moment’s gone, it’s gone forever. There’s no turning back the clock to relive that moment. No one’s invented a time machine yet, and it doesn’t look anyone ever will.

Focusing on the moment lets you see what really matters. The past doesn’t matter anymore, the future won’t matter until becomes the present. Being connected to the present will contribute greatly to your happiness, so make sure you don’t let it pass you by!


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

How to Believe in Yourself more

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Lack of self confidence and low self esteem can be crippling and debilitating.  They can stop a person from socialising, hinder progress at work and within relationships and generally erode a person’s enjoyment of a full and wonderful life.

People with a lack of self confidence or low self esteem are usually acutely aware of their errors and chide themselves for ‘doing it wrong’. They take things extremely personally and struggle with personal criticism because it feeds directly into their negative belief system. To make themselves feel better they often resort to putting others down in order to feel better and literally cannot help themselves.

Usually lack of self confidence and low self esteem are established at a young age as a result of actions or words by a parent, sibling or carer, intentionally or unintentionally.  As the young mind develops negative beliefs such as ‘not being good enough’ or ‘worthy’ are so firmly planted that the negative cycle pattern simply continues.

By using hypnotherapy and coaching the negative belief system is challenged and re-wired. It’s like taking off a pair of dirty glasses you have worn for years and replacing them with a fresh pair that are crystal clear. Confidence is key in everything you do.  Let me help you to truly believe in yourself and that you can be confident at all times.

Why to use hypnotherapy would build your trust in who you are and what you can do.

As you relax and listen in your session, you'll notice that

  • your expectations of yourself begin to rise

  • you feel very curious to discover what you can do

  • you are less concerned about mistakes and more interested in what you can learn

  • you sense a growing feeling of power and capability within you

  • you trust yourself implicitly to learn more and become increasingly skillful in whatever you give your full attention to

  • life starts to be so much more enjoyable


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley Appearing on TVM FITam

Overcome Obstacles

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What to Do When Obstacles Seem Like Too Much

Coming out of 2021, you probably know what it's like to feel overwhelmed by the sheer size or amount of obstacles on your plate. Although obstacles are necessary to help you grow, they certainly can be challenging, leading you to feel inadequate, distraught, and overwhelmed.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to help manage the obstacles in front of you. In this tutorial, I'm going to tell you three things to do when obstacles seem like too much. Let's get started.

1.     Take a deep breath.

Whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed by obstacles, your body will likely show some physical signs. For example, your chest may become tight, breathing become more rapid, and body start to shake. Although these physical signs are not in and of themselves dangerous, they can pose health risks on down the line, and they aren't comfortable at the moment.

Instead of dwelling on the obstacles you feel overwhelmed by, simply take a deep breath. Take a couple deep breaths if you need to. Simply breathe in and out to relax your body and give it some much needed oxygen.

Breathing deeply will lessen the feelings of anxiety that come with feeling overwhelmed by your obstacles. Breathing deeply is also just good for your overall well being. Aim to make your exhale longer than inhale for optimal results.

2.     Focus on what you can control.

Whenever people feel overwhelmed by their obstacles, it is likely because they feel out of control with their life. As humans, we want to control everything. Obstacles remind us that we simply are not as in control of our lives as we would like to be.

If this is why you feel overwhelmed by your obstacles, focus on something you can control instead. This may include your water intake, the food you put in your body, how you present yourself, reading a book, or anything else you have control over.

Focusing on what you can control will take away the immediate signs of anxiety associated with obstacles. It may also boost your confidence, sense of self love, and willingness to invest in your own life.

3.     Look at the positives.

Finally, the last way to help manage feelings of stress from your obstacles is to look at the positives. No matter how bleak the obstacle or situation may seem, there is always a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Focus on the positives to relax your mind.

One positive of any obstacle is that it challenges you to become a better person. If you can't think of any other positive of your situation, fall back on this one: the obstacle is turning you into a stronger and more capable person.

Chances are, however, there are other benefits as well. For example, if you got laid off at work, you can think that you now have more time to focus on your personal interests and hobbies. Though this won't take away the sting of getting laid off, it will make the sting slightly more tolerable.

Whenever you look at the positives, you aren't just rejecting the bad. Instead, you have a much more realistic and adult view of the situation, which involves both positives and negatives.

Final Thoughts

Next time you feel overwhelmed by your obstacles, take a deep breath, focus on what you can control, or look at the positives. Better yet, try a combination of all three techniques to help you calm yourself down and approach the obstacle more rationally once again.


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley on TVM FITam

Personal Transformation Mastery

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How Increased Confidence Can Help You Get What You Want

This might sound like the cheesy-kind of advice your parents might have given you, but it really is true that confidence can get you pretty much whatever you want. That and being yourself.

If you want to get a date, succeed in your career or otherwise take any aspect of your life to the next level, then boosting your confidence is one of the best ways to accomplish that. Here’s why…

What Confidence Really Means

If you have ever met an alpha male, or a woman who just seems to have everything under control, then you might have noticed that they are usually very confident. The truth is that the whole reason they appear so successful is that confidence. That’s because confidence sends a powerful signal – it says ‘I consider myself to be a catch’.

Speaking in evolutionary terms, confidence suggests that you are a good potential mate, or a superior competitor. Even if someone is short, poorly dressed and unappealing – if they are supremely confidence then it will seem as though they know something you don’t. The assumption is that they must have a reason to be that confident.

And thus we instantly assume that this person is somehow our superior: that we should try to impress them, or try to be more like them. That’s why we gravitate toward confident people, want to date them and want to be liked by them.

A lot of people don’t realise the importance of confidence and they think it is enough to be nice. They assume that by acting nice, they will get people to like them and they can that way overcome their looks, their stature, or their status.

But if you don’t have any self-confidence and you act very nice, then this can actually backfire: it starts to seem as though you want something and that you are being a creep in order to get it.

Conversely, if you act a little less needy, if you can show yourself to be highly capable and impressive and then you chat to someone in a friendly and open manner… then people will be won over by your charm and your appeal. This niceness seems much more genuine because you appear like you don’t need help from everyone.

So guys: stop trying to win the girl by being nice.

Employees, stop trying to get the job by being self-deprecating.

Act like you know your worth and then layer niceness on top of that. That is the winning combination!


Please contact Kimberley if you have any questions or to make an initial CONSULTATION.  
Face To Face  sessions are by appointment only. Appointments are available 6 days a week and also in the evenings at our discreet premises in Mellieha, Sliema & Naxxar in Malta. Or online by skype or Zoom 

Please note for sessions in Naxxar clients have access to the pool and a towel after and before their sessions. 
For a list of problems I may be able to help you with please click here 
To Arrange YOUR INITIAL SESSION Please contact Kimberley by Whatsapp or Phone on 00356 99355901.

Kimberley on TVM FITam