~ Mind Body Soul Spirit ~

What Are Initiations, Attunements, Empowerments & Transmissions

What Are Initiations, Attunements, Empowerments & Transmissions ?

An attunement is an energy empowerment/initiation (sometimes called  'light packets') that is passed from someone who has already been attuned to that energy frequency, to another person so that they may 'learn' that vibration ( energy frequency), connect with it and channel it in future.

Depending on the energy system that the attunement come from …It is possible to align with that energy frequency through various methods including chi balls, mantras, symbols, sounds, guided meditations, Transpersonal hypnotherapy, intentionand even art.

Your attunement may simply be to initiate a subtle change to the vibration of the energy field of the recipient in order that you resonate more strongly with that energy.

When you are connected to these various vibrations, you can use them for healing work, during meditation and for your own mental, physical, emotional or spiritual development.

Energetic Attunements, Empowerments and Initiations are ways to gain access to a unique or specific energy, so that it can integrate into your energy body and energy field- then you will always be able to connect or work with it because you are given a direct connection to that specific energy- it’s frequency, vibration, energy signature, energy strain etc

Your Attunement can also involve symbols, sounds, affirmations or guided meditations or transpersonal hypnosis being imprinted into your energy field if appropriate these  – will intensify &  accelerate your attunements  – the very specific symbols, sounds, affirmations, guided meditations resonates at a exactly the same particular frequency and allows for a particular facet of Universal Energy to be tapped into by you.

Those attunements that involve the imprinting of symbols in the energy field open those new frequencies to the attunee – but they are not fully activated until the attunee works with those symbols.

For example, a number of symbols, sounds or affirmations are imprinted into the energy field during a Traditional Usui Reiki Level I attunement – however, they are not fully activated until the attunee begins to work with those symbols consciously in levels II and III.

During an attunement, the facilitator/Master acts as a conductor to channel the relevant energy to the recipient.

The spiritual guides and higher self of the recipient are requested to oversee the process and all attunements are sent in the spirit of Universal Love; that is, in accordance with the universal law of free-will and for the good of all.

  • Empowerment conferred during an attunement in this spirit cannot be abused or used to cause harm.

  • Nor can it be 'forced' in advertently which could cause problems with assimilation and grounding were too much energy 'pushed' to a student.

The higher self, acts as a moderator in this capacity.

I offer various energetic attunements, initiations & empowerments for all levels of experience . For reiki and non reiki masters.

In order for you to expand your healing practise or for your own personal use.

Please see here for further details … >>>

An attunement to a particular system lasts a lifetime; there is no need to be re-attuned on a regular basis.

However, your connection to the energy can falter and diminish if you do not work with those frequencies you are attuned to on a regular basis.

In this instance, re-attunement can give you a 'kick start', but just beginning to work with those energies again will soon strengthen the flow and your natural resonance.

How Does a Distant Attunement Work?

Exactly the same way an in-person attunement works!

Distant attunements are a successful and powerful means of sending attunements.

In Reiki (for example) distant attunements in the beginning were a non-traditional technique but are a logical extension of distance healing and application of the Distance symbol, sound or affirmation.

Some people are just unfamiliar with quantum physics. In the world of energy, there is no such thing as time or space. Distant healing is based on Quantum Physics discoveries that energy is not restricted to any time and location.

It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing is very effective.

Distant healing is an advanced form of energy healing and is generally performed by Reiki Masters, Shamanic Practitioners and Shamans.

However, many are quite skeptical about the process and I think if I hadn't experienced the sending and receiving of attunements and healing distantly I would be very skeptical myself!

My Own Journey With Attunements ( Skip this bit if you want to know more about distant attunements )

When I first started becoming interested in Energetic Attunements (in 2001) I wasn’t too sure about the whole thing!

This was before I became a Reiki Grand Master/ Teacher. I also experimented with some free Attunements and Activations. I did not have a full comprehension of the effects of those Attunements at that time in my life.

I didn’t recognize or perceive the effects they had been having on me physically, spiritually, mentally and energetically.

I didn’t have any previous knowledge of energy work before my Kundalini awakening that started in 2005

Becoming a Usui Reiki Grand Master/Teacher assisted me with the knowledge and experience I needed to progress forward with energy work.

It guided me towards the teachers I needed to progress on this path. It helped me to balance, tune in, nurture, understand and use my energetic perception.

Eventually I started to experiment with other Attunements for other energy systems like Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki and DNA Activations from different founders and the intense positive impacts continue on through to this day.

When I had my first DNA Activation I was impressed by all of the physical sensations that I experienced. Then came the clearing symptoms and the expansion of consciousness, upgrades and forward progress. After that settled I started doing DNA Activations on myself making up my own rituals.

I also found at this time that my profound knowledge of more traditional systems such as hypnotherapy, meditation & sound healing really helped strengthen my energy integration

The Usui Reiki Energy system helped me heal the source of many issues at core levels. Sometimes we need help going deeper and the Usui Reiki Attunements help with that.

They can have an intense clearing of anything no longer serving you and really clear out your energy channels. They also open up your psychic abilities which helped connect and strengthen my connection to all things energy ..

I received my first Usui Reiki Level 1 Attunement, my level 2 , Level 3 Master Teacher Level and then went onto achieve Grand Master Level 20

Learning the system of Usui Reiki combined with practicing spiritual and personal development, Witchcraft, Past Life Regression, Self Work, Shadow Work, DNA Activations, Energetic Attunements etc have intensely helped me with soul growth, heal trauma, heal addiction, fast forward my Ascension, tune into my psychic abilities, expand my consciousness and so much more!

Now I have the privilege of having channeled some energy systems of my own!

During my whole life and even more since my dark night of the soul and Kundalini awakening I have always wanted to help others be the very best version of their true selves .. on all levels .. and it has taken me many years to figure out how and to find the right teachers:) I’m still on that path xx

During this time my experience has been that there is no difference in receiving the energy remotely or in person .. at all - if anything, the experience of the recipient receiving distance healing/attunement tends to be more intense and has been my preference.

It is easy, inexpensive and super effective. If you are super sensitive and tend to be a self-study then 'In-person' attunements just might not suit you;

most people are more able to relax and meditate at home and on their own than they are in a room full of people or in front of another person.

Some people are restricted in travel or by commitments to family, work and so on.

Another consideration is the price! Most of those who offer in-person attunements have to charge much more for obvious reasons. All in all, there is a lot to be said for distance attunements – and with Mind Body Soul Spirit Academy you are assured of receiving detailed and comprehensive materials to support your chosen course as well as support for as long as you need it.

I am only ever a message away! My goal is to offer these amazing healing teachings to all.

We love seeing the difference in people lives. This work is really life changing and should be available easily to all who are ready.

Once an attunement is ready, you will be messaged with confirmation that you can call the attunement in and also with your certificate ( If requested) . Your certificate with have details of your 'lineage': A tradition with energy healing modalities dating back to Dr. Usui is that a record of the teachers who have passed down the line from the originator of the modality are detailed for you.

One of the most important things with attunements is that to fully receive the new vibration on all levels is to ground afterwards. But it is also important to work with the energy after attunement.

I recommend you spend time in meditation after the attunement, sensing the energy and making sure you allow yourself to fully accept and assimilate the new vibrations.

The assimilation part of receiving attunements varies with different modalities - some have more complex or intense attunements than others and may take several days to full 'ground' them. But regularly using the energy and grounding yourself afterwards ensures this takes place and you will get the most out of your attunement experience.

If you are new to attunements and energy you may not experience much during an attunement...it is true that the vast majority do...but there are many reasons that can prevent you tuning into subtle energies.

  • First of all, being a beginner may mean you find it harder to suspend your focus and are concentrating on 'looking for a result'; this engagement of the conscious mind often means the process seems very subtle!

  • Some people fall asleep - this is not unusual and nothing at all to worry about; sometimes it is a natural way for the body to fully receive the attunement and the sleep is often very healing. It is usually markedly different from normal sleep in that it is dreamless, short and you wake up feeling like you've had a good 8 hours!

  • Some people may experience less intense attunements if they are physically tired or run down; at certain times of the menstrual cycle; if they are under any stress; after a heavy meal; if they have consumed alcohol, (which we do not recommend) and often as you progress in energy work and your natural subtle senses increase you will find you may be more sensitive to the effects of these things and decide to change them.

    It is best to remain open and expect anything and nothing of the attunement...common experiences are feelings of warmth or tingling; pressure around the crown area; seeing colors and sometimes even hearing strange resonant tones.

    But what you experience not only depends on your situation generally, but your state at that very particular time and also, what natural abilities you may have. This is why we recommend that you also make use of our Brain Entrainment Attunement music, Affirmations, guided meditations and hypnotherapy downloads in order to use more of your senses and thus strengthen your energy integration.

    When it comes to intuition, some people feel physical sensations of energy; others hear them; others see them as colors; some just sense them.

    Whatever your natural strength intuitively it usually follows the sense that is prevalent physically.

  • Be open! If you continue with energy work over time you will naturally develop these skills through regular practice. The Energy Mastery Diploma course is also very helpful in learning this through meditative work and learning to scan auras - an invaluable technique.

    And knowing how the energy body all fits together and works can often help you make sense of sensations and the associations.

    I hope this information has helped you understand more of attunements and how they work...as well as what to expect from MIND BODY SOUL SPIRIT Academy

  • Please see here for further details … >>>