Develop Your Intuitive And Psychic Gifts



Can be taken as an 8 Hour ( 4 x 2 Hours) In Person Online Course

or as part of a

1, 3 or 5 Day Retreat

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Do Any Of These Sound Like You?

You’ve randomly seen shadows, shapes, sparkles, mist, fog, orbs, lights, color, letters, and/or smoke with your mind's eye or out of the corner of your eye.

You get ideas, solutions, insight, or answers while doing mundane things such as driving a car, showering, working out, washing the dishes, folding laundry, vacuuming, reading, or mindlessly playing on your phone).

You have been told before that you’re an empath to people’s emotions/energies or have been told that you’re too sensitive by others. At times, you can feel someone else’s mood, emotions, feelings (ie. sadness, anxiousness, confused) to the point that you confuse it as your own. 

You hear buzzing, ringing, or a high pitch sound in your ears sometimes, that appear to come out of nowhere (and there is no medical cause that you have). 

You have suddenly received the smell of a deceased loved one's cigarette, perfume, recipe, or dish they used to make when you’re thinking of them.

When you think of a person, you might get a certain taste in your mouth (ie. think of grandma - you taste the brownies she always made).

These are all also different signs of psychic abilities!

"I should’ve listened to my gut feeling."

"I knew that was going to happen." 

"I woke up with the answer on how to solve that problem."

Believe it or not, but those are signs that you have intuitive psychic abilities. Because they're usually subtle, you most likely have been using your gifts throughout life without even knowing it. How useful would it be to be able to tune into your intuitive psychic skills and connect with your spirit team whenever you wanted to.


is our line of courses designed to help you learn how to develop your intuition and gifts, no matter what level you’re at.

We're here to help you embrace the art of trusting your gut and listening to your inner guidance, which will lead you in the right direction, enhance your instincts, and help you navigate those everyday decisions in life. 

During This Program, You Will Learn:

  • Different modalities & tools that can help you tap into your abilities

  • Find ways in which your spirit team (angels, spirit guides, and loved ones in the afterlife) communicate with you and develop a stronger connection with them

  • Distinguish between your logical mind and your intuition talking

  • What each of the 6 Psychic “Clairs” abilities looks like

  • Myths & Misconceptions on each of the 6 Psychic “Clairs”

  • The ethics & professionalism of using your gifts

  • Accepting your gift & reawakening them if they have been repressed

  • How to turn your gift on and off so your senses aren’t overwhelmed all day

  • Find what chakras are associated with each Psychic Clair ability

  • Figure out what to do when you feel discouraged, get mental blocks or self-doubt, work through plateaus along the way, and how to trust yourself with the information you receive

  • Discover different ways you receive the psychic inputs you can get, learn to translate the inputs of what you’re getting and translate it in a way that works for you

  • How to view and filter energy as feelings, vibrations, colors, images, smells, and/or tastes

  • How to control & create boundaries and have energetic psychic protection with your gifts

Clairvoyance : The Psychic Sense Of Seeing

Clairvoyance, also known as clear seeing, is the ability to see visions or mental images in your 3rd eye or mind’s eye.  As a clairvoyant you may receive vivid dreams, visions, mental images and mini-movies of the future (precognition), past (post-cognition) or be able to clarify the present.  When your third-eye chakra is open, it becomes easier to be clairvoyant.

  • Gain a strong, grounded experience of an open third eye. You’ll feel the difference in clarity and wisdom immediately.

Clairsentience & Clairempathy: The Psychic Senses of Feelings & Emotions

Clairsentience or clear feeling, is the ability to receive insight by physically feeling it in the body. As a clairsentient, you may have a strong gut feeling or feel other people’s ailments or emotions. With a clear feeling, you easily feel things to be true.

  • Using energy sensitization training you’ll feel embodied like never before. You’ll be putting images to feelings, and gain in your ability to interpret psychic messages.

Clairempathy or clear emotion is not to be confused with clairsentience. A clairempath, which is very common, can sense a person’s emotions whereas a clairsentient can physically feel it.  If you’re able to sense the emotional energy of others or your environment, you are clairempathic. One who has developed this psychic power must be able to set energetic or spiritual boundaries so that they are not drained of their energy.

  • In this lesson, you’ll learn psychic protection and boundaries.

Claircognizance: The psychic sense of knowing

Claircognizance or clear knowing is having the insight or knowing something to be true even though you have not heard about it or read about it.  For a claircognizant, answers seem to just pop into their mind without a need for processing or interpretation.

  • Learn to access the secret energetic center used for centuries by mystics to ‘know’ everything.

Clairaudience: The psychic senses of Hearing

Clairaudience or clear hearing means being able to hear sounds, words, or noises from the etheric realm. The sounds or words may feel like they are being spoken right next to you or inside your head. You could also all of a sudden hear a song that isn’t playing or hear noises that are unexplainable.

  • Experience the power of sound as well as how to attune yourself to and interpret sound frequency into messages.

Clairsalience & Clairgustance: The Psychic Sense of Taste & Smell

Clairsalience or clairscent (clear smelling) means receiving insights from smells that are not in your immediate surroundings. You may suddenly smell a fragrance or the odor of a person, food, animal, or place. The smell could be from the past but you are smelling it in the present moment.

  • Connect with your intuitive sense of smell and gain an understanding of how it can guide intuitive healing action.

Clairgustance or clear tasting means receiving taste information psychically, without the substance actually being in your mouth. For instance, people sometimes taste the favorite foods or drinks of a loved one who has recently passed away.

  • Did you know that light frequency has a taste? Learn how to understand and remedy your own condition using your sense of gusto!

Clairtangency: The psychic sense of touch an how to move forward

Clairtangency or clear touching means being able to get insights about an event or person by coming into contact with an object or person. When you develop clairtangency, your hands begin to sense energy so that you can uncover information. Energy healers use this type of psychic power in order to determine where energy blocks are.

  • Everything is energy and has information. This week we’ll open our senses up to exploring and trusting our sense of spaces and tangible objects.

Now that you understand how to develop your psychic abilities, we will review how to practice them so that you can deepen your connection with your True Self. Practice will help you gain mastery in receiving messages as well as the courage to be guided by those messages.

  • You will learn how to move forward in developing your psychic abilities.


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